What is Normal Hair Loss?

Hair loss affects close to 50% of women, so why is it that it’s so taboo to talk about? Seeing just a few strands of hair in your shower drain or seeing your brush full of hair often can be distressing, and it can also bring your confidence down, which we would never want to see.  The majority of the time, hair loss is perfectly natural and does not indicate you have a health issue you need to address. We are going to break down how to identify when it’s becoming an issue and what is normal!

First of all, how much hair loss is considered normal? It is very normal for you to lose between 80-100 strands per day, some people with a lot of hair can lose up to 150 strands per day. Keep in mind, if your hair is long, those strands will look like more than what there actually is.

When should you be concerned about hair loss becoming a bigger issue? When you notice your hair loss significantly increasing, you might want to start paying closer attention to why that could be happening. Are you stressed at work? Have you been eating a healthy diet full of nutrients and vitamins?  Have you noticed any other health issues having an affect on your day-to-day mood? Are you using a new product lately? All of these things can contribute to hair loss, so it is important to address it with a salon professional as soon as possible to make sure we catch and address the issue early.

If you’re noticing hair loss, the first step is to not panic and to know you’re not alone. Half of women are affected by hair loss, so just start with a deep breath, monitor the situation, and talk to your stylist at your next appointment.