What You Should Know About the Ingredients in Your Hair Products
With so much information going around about what products you should use, what products you shouldn’t use, what will be toxic, etc. we wanted to inform you about the different ingredients you might commonly find in hair products and what their significance is:
Clarifying: Shampoos that are labeled as clarifying shampoos are designed to completely strip the hair of all oils, dirt, and buildup which makes for a great wash day, but you should also be aware that these cleansers will strip your hair of color! Stay away from cleansers listed with terms like “purifying”, “clarifying”, etc. to be sure you can keep your hair healthy and clean without stripping your fabulous color service
Sulfates: These ingredients create a lathering effect in shampoos to help scrub your scalp. These should be avoided if you have sensitive skin or dermatological conditions, and should be used minimally if you have curls to avoid dryness and frizz
Parabens: Parabens are intended to promote growth and prevent bacteria. While they have been connected to cancer, this is only when they are used in amounts much larger than anything you would find in your hair products
SIlicones: These ingredients are intended to create a slippery-feel that mimics true hydration, but they are actually just causing lots of buildup and weighing down your hair, which leads to breakage. You should limit the number of products you use that contain silicones.
Formaldehyde: Some products may contain this carcinogen that is harmful if inhaled, and they are intended to act as a preservative. Check your ingredients to avoid products containing formaldehyde.